29-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

Goodbye #fitgirl, hello my realistic beauty ideals!

The past couple of years social media has gotten a huge influence and the fit trend is growing like crazy. The awareness for a fit lifestyle is a good thing, though it seems to get a bit out of control lately. Instead of working on a good health, the world is becoming obsessed with food, fitness and perfectly toned bodies. Read More…

18-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

How sleeping influences your health and happiness + tips to boost!

Something we all have in common is the need of having a good night’s sleep. It’s something we easily take for granted, but sleep has a lot more influence than you might expect. I’ve learned that the hard way by being in sleep therapy for a couple of months, but I’ve learned how to boost sleep quality and improve your health and happiness. And I wanna share my tips with you.. Read More…

10-09-18 | Food | snacks |

Skinny snacking with peanut butter banana cake

A banana cake is amazing enough. However, when you add the flavour of peanut butter to a healthy banana cake recipe it becomes the sweetest thing! Are you – just like me – addicted to peanut butter and always craving for a sweet treat? Then this diet-friendly almond-peanut-butter-banana cake will make you a happy girl! Read More…

05-09-18 | MIND | happiness |

September happiness: how to maintain positive summer feelings

September is here and that means that summer is practically almost over… However, that is no reason to shine less! The past weeks with loads of sunshine have been giving us energy and positive, happy feelings which we should hold on to. Want to know how to keep up the positive summer feelings? Read More…

30-08-18 | Food | weight-loss |

4 secret tricks to easily upgrade your veggie intake

One thing I’ve been getting lots of questions about is how to upgrade the amount of vegetables in your daily diet. We know that eating them is important, but it doesn’t always seem to be as easy to really eat enough of it. But I seem to have mastered my veggie intake quite well and I’m sure you can do that too, with my 4 secret tricks Read More…

30-08-18 | Food | weight-loss |

DIY: Make your own diet plan in 7 simple steps

Are you struggling to get your food habits right? Then read further to find out how to beat it and easily achieve your goals! Pretty often, I receive the question whether I make my own food schedules? And if I can create a diet plan for you. Yes, I make my own diet plan, but you can do that too! In today’s blog Read More…

28-08-18 | Food | dinner |

The prettiest vegetarian veggie pie on a plate

Summer is flying by faster than I wish for, but I guess that only means I’m having the most fun! I’m enjoying the amazing weather, the relaxed vacay vibes, and great times with my loved ones. Today I’ve got a recipe fitting those feelings just right with a green Summer veggie pie! If you feel like having avegetarian dish without any effort, then you won’t need to look any further. Read More…

08-08-18 | Food | snacks |

Skinny tropical dessert: passion fruit panna cotta

The sun is out and here to stay! We’re having the best summer weather in Holland right now and I’m loving it! These tropical temperatures ask for a little cooling down as well though. Yes, some lovely gelato works very well for that, but I’ve got another attractive option for you! Read More…

24-07-18 | Food | dinner |

Easy roasted cauliflower slices (4 ingredients only)

Cauliflower isn’t the most popular vegetable at all, but after this recipe I’m sure you’ll start loving it! It’s all about how you prepare this healthy food and roasting it brings it to a whole new level. This tasty roasted cauliflower recipe is an easy to make Read More…

12-07-18 | Food | drinks |

Cocktail favorite: Gin Tonic strawberry

If you know me a little you would know that drinking alcohol is NOT my thing. So why come up with a Gin Tonic recipe I hear you thinking? Well, the Foodie-ness team believes this is such a winner that it even gets me to enjoy a sip (or two lol!). As Gin Tonic season is in Read More…