13-05-18 | Move | weight-loss |

How to prep yourself for bikini season asap?

There’s no getting around it: bikini season is upon us and I’m itching for my very first summer vacay. Nothing is quite as intimidating as bikini season and so 8 weeks ago I’ve picked out this summer vacay as a goal and the perfect timing to get a bikini body on the fly. Well, ok – correction, more just like a healthy beach-ready body. I just wanted to feel a little bit more happy and confident and so I made a plan, a plan that’s about to be shared today!

I started 8 weeks ago with my beach body prep and I focused on: food, fitness and mindset. As you might know by know, I’m an active YouTuber too and each week I’ve shared my progress with you in a weekly vlog. Read: progress and downfalls. Because it wasn’t easy..

“Alone you’re strong and together we’re stronger”

So I’m over-the-moon happy my hubby and I were in this together! Our summer vacay was like a joint-goal to get beach-ready and we were working together for common goals. Like sharing a post-workout meal and doing our workouts together.. aahw #me #suckerforlove

How to prep yourself for bikini season?

1. Eat 5-6 times p/d
2. Cut down on sugar
3. No alcohol
4. Eat clean & colourful

Unfortunately we had a lot of festive holidays, for which I didn’t stick to my diet for 100%. For most of the time, I’ve put a focus on eating clean, healthy, colourful, enough and choosing a proper macro-balance. I’ve tried to eliminate sugar as much as I could, did not drink one sip alcohol (ok – I never do so, so that one was easy :-p) and used an application to count calories and macro’s.

“Here’s one day out of my food diary!”

Breakfast: 220 ml water mixed with 60 gr. oats and 1 scoop Whey Creamy Coconut Milkshake. As a topping one banana in slices, a little bit of honey and cinnamon.
Snack (only on workout days): 200 gr. low-fat quark
Lunch: 150 gr. veggies, 1 healthy whole grain wrap, 75 gr. tuna and homemade garlic sauce by Carolina :-p
Snack: 1 green smoothie with: 200 ml water, 1 apple, 2 hands full of spinach, ¼ avocado, ¼ cucumber and 1 tbspn cottage cheese light.
Dinner: 150 gr. veggies, 75 gr. cooked chicken, 100 gr. crispy baked sweet potato fries and 1 tbspn cottage cheese light.
Snack: 20 gr. unsalted almonds and 200 gr. low-fat quark

1. 3-4 workouts p/w
2. Cardio and weight training
Each week it was my intention to 4 times work up a sweat. My job schedule looks completely different every week and my days are long, busy and hectic. Therefore I did not always reach my 4-times-goal, but told myself to be happy and satisfied with 3 GOOD workouts. I prefer 2/3 weight-training gym sessions and 1 cardio sesh to burn some extra calories. I take my cardio outside at the park, or at the gym in case of bad weather. This balance works best for me, but obviously can be different for everyone. What does your favorite workout schedule looks like? 🙂

1. To plan
2. To prep
In order to do so, keeping my mindset on track and fully focused is absolutely required. When I have an organized mind, I feel relaxed, committed, dedicated, excited and positive. Half the work is done! Do you recognize that? So therefore I started each week with a week planning. Like when will I plan my workouts, when to do my grocery shopping, food prep, some me-time, enough sleep and rest. Failing to plan is planning to fail and preparation is key to prep yourself for bikini season!

With love,

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  • Anne

    Hi Carolina,

    Ik ben me een beetje aan het inlezen op je blogs, heel erg inspirerend!! Ik wil wat gezonder eten en daarmee wat kilo’s kwijt raken. Ik ken whey wel, maar heb het zelf nog nooit gebruikt. Ik ben benieuwd welke jij gebruikt? En neem je die dan met een smaakje of zitten daar dan toch suikers of andere dingen aan toegevoegd die je beter niet kunt nemen? Ik ben benieuwd naar je antwoord en ga nog lekker verder lezen!

    Liefs Anne

  • Zenstar Life sciences

    Thank You Best content

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