In addition to an overdose of positivity, happiness factor 10 also brings you inspiration and challenge, and will be an eye-opener for many. After years of unhappy yo-yoing with my weight, I lost 15 kilos through healthy nutrition, sports and awareness, and I feel more energetic than ever! I challenge you to follow my schedules for four weeks and discover which health goals you can achieve, with the goal: a happiness factor of 10. Get active, eat healthy, learn to relax and in the meantime get started with your personal challenges.
In this Carolina takes you along in her turbulent quest for physical and mental health. Carolina: ‘The woman who advocated eternal happiness has herself gone rock bottom. And how. But I also went sky-high again. So the clichés are true: first going downhill and then being able to peak. A lot has happened and a lot has changed in the past year. All this has led to something very beautiful: Het geluksdieet. Het Geluksdieet focuses on the circulating effect between healthy food and intense happiness. Food is fuel, a medicine for your personal happiness diet. An investment for life that I wish every woman. And one that I know works for you too. I hereby promise you that!’
Not so guily pleasures, that’s what it’s in the new baking book Lekker Gelukkig by Carolina van Dorenmalen a.k.a. Foodie-ness all about. Because even if you eat consciously, you can spoil yourself and others with healthy, tasty home-baked treats – without extra pounds. Whether you’re getting out of bed early in the morning, on the go, hosting a high tea or celebrating the holidays, these 60 easy baking recipes for body and mind, both sweet and savory with vegan/gluten-free/lactose-free signature, will make you every moment a moment of happiness! All recipes have been developed in such a way that it has no or a positive effect on: weight (gain), bloated stomach, metabolism, blood sugar level and skin condition.
In this book Carolina helps you with theory, practical tips and her personal experiences with topics such as: guilt, obsessive eating, strict rules, secret eating, overeating and your stop button.